Friday, 29 February 2008

2D noobs

here is my latest crafty offering, it's my mothers day card for my mum. I really wasn't in the mood for painting so i did a little collage instead, and i'm quite pleased with the results, maybe it will lead to more 2D noobs, who knows! i knew that roll of vintage wallpaper i got from a carboot for 50p 5 years ago would come in useful!

Tuesday, 19 February 2008

hammerhead noobs

I know no one bothers to read this blog, as no one really knows it's here, and that's kind of the point, it's mainly for me. So i don't feel that bad that i have been rubbish lately with my postings. But i am disappointed about my lack of crafting and creativeness of late. All i have done is this very hammerhead noobs which i made as a one off gift. I wasn't sure at first, but now i am really fond of him, he has gone to live with his brothers, and i am a little sad, so i may make another to stay here in the bungalow.

I bought myself a couple of junko mizuno figures with a little money i had squirreled away from christmas. I love them !

Talking of squirrels, here's a cute chap, and a kitten too, from my happy kitty bunny pony book!

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